What about the following:
select a.brgyd,a.households,b.munprovid,c.geom
from table1 a, table2 b, table3 c
where a.esourceid=$esourceid and
a.brgyd=b.brgyd and
b.munprovid=c.geom ;
Bye, Francesco
ryanne.cruz@up.edu.ph wrote:
> hi list.
> i have 3 tables with the following columns:
> table1: esourceid (primary key), brgyid, households
> table2: brgyid (primary key), munprovid
> table3: munprovid (primary key), geom
> i am given the esourceid and i need to query the brgyid and the households of
> a particular esourceid: query1="select brgyid, households from table1 where
> esourceid=$esourceid;"
> the resulting brgyid will then be used to query for the munprovid in table2:
> query2="select munprovid from table2 where brgyid=(query1);"
> the resulting munprovid will then be used to query for the geom column:
> "select geom from table3 where munprovid=(query2);"
> my question is, how do i do this? any ideas?
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