On 20 Feb 2003 at 11:42, Jean-Luc Lachance wrote:
> Well, here is another case where partitioning would be usefull.
Not really. But point is well understood.
> Lets all agree the that vaccuming a small table should be better done by
> copying to a new one.
> Now, if a larger table would be partitioned, it would allow vacuuming
> one partition at a time.
postgresql splits data files at 1 GB. If DBA assures postgresql that there is
at least 1 gig of free space on data directory, vacuum full can use these data
files as partition and compact the space pretty quickly.
I think adding a flag to vacuum full to effect of use temporary table space for
compaction aggresively, I think it should be possible to implement this pretty
On the other hand, I think partitioining table should be pretty easy since the
logic for splitting things across files is already there. Only if we add logic
to splitting file location as well.
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