Re: populating db with PHP - Mailing list pgsql-php

Subject Re: populating db with PHP
Msg-id 3E396D13.32108.30959D@localhost
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In response to Re: populating db with PHP  ("scott.marlowe" <>)
List pgsql-php
i found Julie Morani's Fast and Easy book from Thick Books
was an excellent start.


On 30 Jan 2003 at 14:54, scott.marlowe wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Bruce Becker wrote:
> > Two questions: For someone using PHP for the first time, which book is
> > considered the best? Secondly could someone provide some sample code
> > or direct me to some sample code for populating a database using PHP.
> Not a clue on best book, as I learned PHP so long ago there literally were
> no books on it back then, and I've only skimmed over a few.  The online
> manual is actually pretty good is short, and is a great
> site for finding sample code and answers...
> Here's a short php script for populating a database we actually use here
> at work.  note that this is a shell script, i.e. it runs as a cron job at
> night, not through the web server, but just like a command like program
> like a perl script or anything else.  You can easily make it a web script,
> just chop off the top line and put it in a web page.
> #!/usr/local/bin/php -1
> <?php
> $field_count = "10";
> $table = "abc123";
> if (!isset($argv[1])) die ("Usage: import <filename>\n\n");
> else $filename = $argv[1];
> $conn = pg_connect("dbname=database user=bubbahotep host=bruce");
> pg_exec($conn,"begin");
> $fp = fopen($filename,"r");
> while (!feof($fp)) {
>     $line = fgetcsv($fp,4096);
>     if (count($line)!=$field_count) continue;
>     $tmp = implode(":::::",$line);
>     $tmp = pg_escape_string($tmp);
>     $line = explode(":::::",$tmp);
>     $query = "insert into $table values ('";
>     $query.= implode("','",$line);
>     $query.= "')";
>     pg_exec($conn,$query);
> }
> pg_exec($conn,"end");
> ?>
> It's short and primitive, but it works well enough
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

pgsql-php by date:

From: "scott.marlowe"
Subject: Re: populating db with PHP
From: Nash Pelayo
Subject: Re: storing images