i agree. i'm not doing anything with the file. i can start up psql, type:
copy binary my_table from 'tmpfile';
and get the exact same error message. the table schema, by the way,
consists of two int4's, a timestamp, and a bytea.
Tom Lane wrote:
> john guthrie <jguthrie@psynapsetech.net> writes:
>>i am having a problem creating a 'copy binary' input file in c
>>on my linux box running postgresql 7.2.2. the error message i get is:
>> ERROR: copy: line 1, pg_atoi: error in "PGBCOPY": can't parse "PGBCOPY"
> And what exactly are you doing with the file after you create it?
> pg_atoi shouldn't be invoked at all during COPY BINARY FROM ...
> regards, tom lane
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