Well guys,
I made a search on the archives and found a message on my issue.
It's subject is: "Why won't the query planner use my index?".
There was a suggestion of setting 'enable_seqscan' to off to see
whether the query planner was chosing the right way or not.
Here goes my results:
access=# explain analyze select * from tbl_access where ip like '12%157';
Seq Scan on tbl_access (cost=0.00..42519.84 rows=139 width=134)
(actual time=698.03..20504.07 rows=1391 loops=1)
Filter: (ip ~~ '12%157'::text)
Total runtime: 20507.44 msec
(3 rows)
access=# SET enable_seqscan = off;
access=# explain analyze select * from tbl_access where ip like '12%157';
Index Scan using teste1 on tbl_access (cost=0.00..63593.03 rows=139
width=134) (actual time=160.69..1177.26 rows=1391 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((ip >= '12'::character varying) AND (ip <
'13'::character varying))
Filter: (ip ~~ '12%157'::text)
Total runtime: 1181.18 msec
(4 rows)
Well, although PG is chosing for a Sequential Scan, the Index Scan
showed to be much more faster.
Is that a problem with the planner or a normal behavior?
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-- Keith Packard