I want to have three timestamps columns in a table:
not unlike more modern file systems.
What I want to happen is that all three columns get set with the 'now'
value to the nearest second, and they ALL have the exact same value.
I want to be able to compare 'created' with 'modified'
to see if it's been modified,
I want to be able to compare 'created' with 'archived'
to see if it's been archived.
I don't want to have NULL's with their propagation issues.
Can I use the constant 'now' in the table creation statements?
Will all three columns get assigned the same value at the start of each
record creation, or will I have some that might straddle a second
boundary and be one second apart?
How do I tell the 'now' constant to be to the second's place in
Carpe Dancem ;-)
Remember your friends while they are alive
Sincerely, Dennis Gearon