Dennis King wrote:> This is a summary of the problems I had getting JDBC working
with the
> Redhat Database that comes with the Redhat 8.0 installation, which
> are treated in an earlier thread. "forName finds Driver but
> getConnection doesn.t".
It was brought to my attention that you were actually using the community
postgresql RPM. This is the one that comes with the OS. What we call "Red Hat
Database" includes that, some GUI tools, a modified set of manuals etc.
You can download it from free. Check it out at:
and the project page has also some useful information:
And, of course, it is PostgreSQL after all, so the site and lists
will continue to be useful if you install that.
Best regards,
Fernando Nasser
Red Hat - Toronto E-Mail:
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario M4P 2C9