In 7.2, you can run the vacuum in parallel with other database activities...
perhaps there is a way of reading from one of the pg_activity* or stats to
learn which connection is execessively idle and then go after it....
Francisco Reyes wrote:
>I have read on the archives some type of per user limit that will be
>available in 7.3, but what do I do in the meantime with a 7.2.X.
>Basically I came this morning to find a developer had a bug in a program
>and used up all the connections. Could I have safely killed those
>I had to do a "pgsql stop -m fast" to free the connections, but I had some
>pending operations which now I will have to redo, not to mention the
>vacuum full failed last night because of the open connections.
>In all the archives I read there seems to be a negative view on timeouts.
>I think that after 4 hours of no activity, at least in my case, I
>definitely want those connections dead.
>In particular this is a reporting server and I delete/reload millions of
>records daily so anything which stops the vacuum full at night is a big
>problem for me.
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