>>>2) What a directory structure does not offer that table space does?
>>You need to the command line in order to manage quotas - you might not
>>want that.
>Mount a directory on a partition. If the data exceeds on that partition, there
>would be disk error. Like tablespace getting overflown. I have seen both the
>scenarios in action..
Of course it can be done somehow. However, with tablespaces it is more
db-like and you need not be familiar with the operating system itself.
Just think of a company having several different operating systems
(suns, linux, bsd, ...).
what do you think could be done in this case? my answer would be an
abstraction layer called table spaces ...
>>Quotas are handled differently on ever platform (if available).
>Yeah. But that's sysadmins responsibility not DBA's.
Maybe many people ARE the sysadmins of their PostgreSQL box ...
When developing a database with an open mind people should try to see a
problem from more than just one perspective.
Why should anybody just forget about sysdbas???
>>With tablespaces you can assign 30mb to use a, 120mb to user b etc. ...
>>Table spaces are a nice abstraction layer to the file system.
>Hmm.. And how does that fit in database metaphor? What practical use is that? I
>can't imagine as I am a developer and not a DBA.
One of our customers did some minor hosting projects with PostgreSQL.
That's what he wanted to have because it is a practical issue.
a. you don't want to have more than one instance per machine.
b. you want to assign a certain amount of space to a certain user
without using quotas. just think of administration tools - tablespaces
are as simple as a select.
per directory is a first step - a good step and a good idea but
tablespaces are a useful invention. just think of hosting companies,
hybrid environments, etc ...
tablespaces or not a devil and sysdbas may be developers ...
*Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig*
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