Barry Lind wrote:
> Your first option is what has been implemented. In 7.3 the server now
> supports 'prepare <name> as <sql>' and 'execute <name>' (and variants
> for passing bind variables). The jdbc driver also now has a method on
> org.postgresql.PGStatement.setUseServerPrepare(true) to enable the the
> use of server side prepared statements (so you can cast your Statement
> object to an org.postgresql.PGStatement object and enable the
> functionality for a specific statement).
> It is for the reasons above that the developer needs to explicitly turn
> on the use of server side prepared statements when it makes sense to do so.
How would the developer do that? With the front-end I am working with
(ColdFusion MX) I have very little control over the actual calls to the
driver. I can make CF MX use createStatement() or prepareStatement() but
that is all the control I have. And the only way to send parameters to
the driver would be through a JDBC URL.
Would that enable me to use prepared statements for real or not?