On 25 Sep 2002 at 11:14, Dmitry Tkach wrote:
> Hi, everybody.
> I am running into huge performance problems, due to JDBC not being able to cache query plans :-(
> My java program runs the (set of about 5) identical statements with different parameters for about 30 million
> What I am talking about below has to do with JDBC, but is not really specific to it - it seems to me, that the
> could be improved to better handle this kind of scenario, when the same statement is executed many times in the same
> - a general solution, that would involve extending postgres SQL gramma to include a 'prepare' statement
Added in upcoming 7.3.. So youmight want to test the betas or CVS..
Just wondering.. Would you see any performance difference in case you put the
statements in pl/pgsql functions?
Just a thought..
The Sixth Commandment of Frisbee: The greatest single aid to distance is for
the disc to be going in a direction you did not want. (Goes the wrong way =
Goes a long way.) -- Dan Roddick