I took a crack at fixing this one myself. It turns out there are
(of course) header differences between 10.1 and 10.2
I found a fix, but I'm sure a careful analysis would find a better
one - I just copied over the current system header file into the
psql tree, and tweaked it.
The fix is as follows (on a 10.2 system):
cd src/include/port/darwin
cp sem.h sem.h.orig
cp /usr/include/sys/sem.h .
then comment out the following lines at the end of sem.h:
int semsys __P((int, ...));
int semctl __P((int, int, int, union semun));
int semget __P((key_t, int, int));
int semop __P((int, struct sembuf *,unsigned));
Best Regards,
Lee Nelson
P.S. I'm just a hapless user, so please don't flame me for the cheesy
fix. :)