Frank Joerdens wrote:
> I've played with fgets, fwrite, fputs, fpassthrough, trying to make a
> file pointer on stdout with fopen . . . it appears that I don't
> understand some crucial point about how this works. How do you present
> an image to the browser without actually creating a file for it? The
> built in function pg_loreadall appears to do exactly that. I'd need to
> replicate that functionality for bytea.
> Regards, Frank
I've always approached this a bit differently, but in any case, did you
try to use "php://stdout"? If not see:
I usually create one php file to generate the image output, and a second
one which calls the first. E.g. (untested)
---------------------- begin showimgage.php ----------------------
$conn = pg_pconnect("host= dbname=bytea_test");
$query = "SELECT img FROM bytea_t where id=" . $_GET["imgid"];
$result = pg_exec($conn, $query);
$image = stripcslashes(pg_result($result, 0, 0));
// send the image
header("content-type: image/gif");
echo $image;
---------------------- showimgage.php ----------------------
The second file would then have a line like:
echo "<img src='showimage.php?imgid=1' border=0>";
Hope this helps,