maybe this is a dumb question
but are not all the tcl sources part of the source distribution?
like - am i to assume then that there are binaries in the distribution
for which there is no code?
like - if i go looking for somethng in the code should not i find it?
Brent Verner wrote:
>No. This is provided by the tcl library:
> bash$ grep Tcl_CreateInter /usr/include/tcl8.3/tclDecls.h
> EXTERN Tcl_Interp * Tcl_CreateInterp _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
>The problem is, as Tom said, that your tcl library is not being
>found by the system's linker. Try this:
> bash$ ldd /usr/lib/postgresql/
>I suspect you'll see a line containing "not found".
> brent
[2002-01-19 18:58] Murray Prior Hobbs said:
| Thanks tom but i think there's more to it
| error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/postgresql/
| undefined symbol: Tcl_CreateInterp
| as you can see it knows where the library is - what i think it's
| complaining about is the undefined symbol
| so i do a grep through the sources and find the call - the only call -
| but there's no function declaration in the sources
| i did follow your link and i had read the page before - i'm on RedHat
| 7.2 so should not have needed to do that - but i did anyway - it made no
| difference
| is there meant to be Tcl_CreateInterp anywhere in the sources?