john heasley wrote:
>using libpq, is it possible to get a list of tables (psql: \d equivalent),
>list of fields for each of those tables (psql: \d <table>), and types for
>each of the fields for a given container?
>there doesnt seem to be a way to do any of these, except for getting the
>field type of a returned tuple with PQftype() and looking up the returned
>oid in the pg_attribute.
>it does appear to be possible to query system tables (psql: \dS) for some
>of this data, such as pg_tables for a list of tables. yet there doesnt
>appear to be a way to associate these entries to a particular datbase
>container. am i missing some way to glue these tables together to get a
>list of tables per-container and fields per-table?
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to
yes - system tables is the right answer.
pg_tables is a view on pg_class. And pg_class has the information you
need. Look into the developers guide for a description of systemtables.
Information about the attributes are in pg_attribute. Just join it with
select relname, attname, atttypid, attlen from pg_attribute join
pg_class on attrelid = pg_class.oid
A good source for information is pgaccess. It is a TCL-script. You can
find examples in the source.