Igor Kovalenko wrote:
> Hello list,
> Can someone please fill me up on the state of affairs with ODBC support?
> I tried to search docs and FAQs but it is confusing as hell.
> I need to understand relation between unixODBC per say and
> --with-unixODBC option.
This(--with-unixODBC) option was added in PostgreSQL
recently and you can produce the driver for unixODBC.
OTOH unixODBC has provided its own odbcpsql driver
because PostgreSQL didn't provide the driver for unixODBC
until recently. Probably the 2 drivers are pretty different
each other currently.
> The latter seem to produce libpsqlodbc.so,
Really ? It would produce libodbcpsql.so.
Hiroshi Inoue