Tille, Andreas wrote:
>On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Bruce Momjian wrote:
>>So, while we do have plans to mark some index tuples so we _know_ they
>>are expired, we don't know how to efficiently mark index tuples so we
>>_know_ they are valid.
>>This is what I believe you want, where we can scan the index without
>>checking the heap at all.
>An new index type (say READONLY INDEX or some reasonable name) which is
>valid all the time between two vacuum processes would suffice for my
>application. It would fit the needs of people who do a daily database
>update and vacuum after this.
Or perhaps MAINTAINED INDEX, meaning that it has always both tmin and tmax
Btw 7.2 still has broken behaviour of xmax which by definition should
not have a
non-0 value for live tuples
pg72b2=# create table parent(pid int primary key);
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
'parent_pkey' for table 'parent'
pg72b2=# create table child(cid int, pid int references parent);
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY
pg72b2=# insert into parent values(1);
INSERT 16809 1
pg72b2=# insert into child values(1,1);
INSERT 16810 1
pg72b2=# update child set pid=2;
ERROR: <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key referenced from
child not found in parent
pg72b2=# select xmin,xmax,* from child;xmin | xmax | cid | pid
------+------+-----+----- 171 | 172 | 1 | 1
(1 row)
>Of course it´s your descision if this makes sense and fits PostgreSQL
>philosophy, but I think it would speed up some kind of applications.
>Kind regards
> Andreas.
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