I have granted the user UPDATE permission on this table several times.
I check the perms and they look right. I cannot update the hit_count of
the link table as user 'masks'.
Oddity 2 - I created these tables as masks_adm.....as you can see below
that is the owner....yet I frequently got permission denied errors when
I tried to do things to these tables and had to actuall grant myself
permission to access them. It appears that this only happens when I
grant someone else permissions on the tables because the others work
just fine.
here is my \d:
masks=> \d
List of relations
Name | Type | Owner
access | table | masks_adm
access_key_seq | sequence | masks_adm
administrator | table | masks_adm
enews_subscription | table | masks_adm
enewsletter | table | masks_adm
enewsletter_key_seq | sequence | masks_adm
link | table | masks_adm
link_category | table | masks_adm
link_edit_req | table | masks_adm
link_key_seq | sequence | masks_adm
masks_user | table | masks_adm
(11 rows)
here is the permissions -
Access permissions for database "masks"
Relation | Access permissions
access |
access_key_seq |
administrator |
enews_subscription |
enewsletter |
enewsletter_key_seq |
link | {"=","masks=arw","masks_adm=arw"}
link_category | {"=","masks=r","masks_adm=arw"}
link_edit_req |
link_key_seq | {"=","masks=rw","masks_adm=w"}
masks_user | {"=","masks=r"}
Here is the command and the result:
masks=> update link set hit_count=1 where key=192;
ERROR: masks_user: Permission denied.