Does the number of rows affect how long it takes to execute a query.
I have 3 UNIONS.
One table has 97 rows, another has 7375 rows, and 1558;
In each union there are at least one LEFT OUTER JOIN and each subselect
has at least 2 JOINed tables.
Something like this:select ..,..,,...,.from (subselect. ... ) as T1 LEFT JOIN(subselect ... ) as T2on
select ..,..,,...,.from ((subselect. ...) as T1 LEFT JOIN(subselect ....) as T2 on T1.field1=T2.field1) as T3 LEFT
JOIN(subselect... ) as T2on T1.field1=T2.field2
select ..,..,,...,.from (subselect. ... ) as T1 LEFT JOIN(subselect ... ) as T2on T1.field1=T2.field2
When I do my sql stmt it takes more than 10minutes to return and
sometimes it display the maximum 30 sec has exceed...
Can anyone provide any suggestion in how I can speed up the execution
and possibly return something to me without the error message.
I have tried index but it doesn't seem to have an affect.. because I did
the explain it still using seq scan.. (re: last post "using indexes")
Thanks again