The table (script followed) contains more than 200000 records.
When I directly selecting records by the single select statement select fio from patient_temp where fio like
Postgres uses the index i have created and quickly returns the results. But if that query included into the function,
slowestsequent scan starts. Is it a normal postgres behavior - not using indexes in functions? Or how to make indexes
usablein functions?
I have tried PL/pgSQL, and have got the same result.
create table patient_temp(code serial primary key, fio varchar(80)
create index fio_patient_temp_ind on patient_temp(fio);
create function get_fio1(text) returns varchar
as 'select fio from patient_temp where fio like $1::text || \'%\';'
language 'sql';
Aidamir Lovpache <>