Lamar Owen wrote:
> First, upgrading the version of postgresql he has would be a good idea, as
> RedHat 6.2 shipped with PostgreSQL 6.5.3.
This would probably be the easiest thing for him.
> But, the C++ compiler isn't really great on RedHat6.2 --it works, but it
> isn't great. The Red Hat 7.x compiler is, well, not very standard is some
> ways, but much more standard in others -- in particular, the C++ portion.
> Upgrading to Red Hat 7.1 is a very good thing to do, IMHO.
He tried, since the setup that we have on the lab machines is RH7.1,
so he would prefer to have the exact same setup (to avoid surprises
and incompatibilities when he brings his homework/assignments from
his machine to the College). But for some reason that I find rather
misterious, he tells me that he couldn't install RH7.1 ... ????
(I'm having a hard time understanding how he could install RH6.2
and it recognized the hardware, but he can't install RH7.1, which
normally recognizes more easily any hardware configuration...)
In any case, I think upgrading to the latest pgSQL would be the
best option (hmmm, I hope there are RPMs available :-))