(bcc to -interfaces)
Attached is a post from the PHP-PEAR mail list, an ambitious project
attempting to create a code repository and standards for PHP, a la
CPAN. One of those efforts is a database abstraction layer,
something that's on a lot of people's lists of PHP "shortcomings."
Ned Lilly e: ned@greatbridge.com
Vice President w: www.greatbridge.com
Evangelism / Hacker Relations v: 757.233.5523
Great Bridge, LLC f: 757.233.5555
To: pear-dev@lists.php.net
From: "Tomas V.V.Cox" <cox@idecnet.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 20:08:10 +0200
Message-ID: <3AD8920A.3DD05521@idecnet.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Pear DB Tutorial
Hi again,
Due the lack of a guide on how to use Pear DB, I decided to write one.
It is a small and incomplete Quick Tutorial, but I think it is enought
for people who wants to start using Pear DB.
Here is the url:
As always, feedback and improvements are very welcome.
Enjoy Pear ;)
Tomas V.V.Cox