Hi all, <p>we want to authenticate PostgreSQL users using a Win2k IAS (appears like radius), and I am searching a way
todo so. <p>I found several ways to make pam or different radius servers use a Postgres database for user
identification,but nothing vice versa. <br />The easiest way would be a patch for the src/backend/libpq/auth.[ch] to
addanother authentication scheme like pam or radius, has anybody written something like that? <pre>--
MfG Daniel Tepas
Evangelisches u. Johanniter Klinikum Duisburg/Dinslaken/Oberhausen gGmbH
Abteilung für Krankenhausinformatik, Gerrickstr. 21, 47137 Duisburg
Tel. 0203-508-5990/5555, Fax 0203-451-31434</pre>