If you want an install version of PostGres
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Steve Jorgensen wrote:
> I'm working with a group of people who need to use PostgreSQL on
> Windows, but are not yet knowledgeable hackers. I am also in this
> category.
> I need to be able to install a reasonably recent version of PostgreSQL
> on Windows NT or Windows 2K, and I need to be able to create a list of
> step-by-step instructions for the other group members on how to do the
> same.
> All the instructions I have found so far take you just so far, then
> say now just proceed as normal. What's normal? Also, I should assume
> most people will be using the Cygwin tools, not VC++, though I'd like
> to be able to send out binaries and not have everyone have to worry
> about compiling at all.
> I found a binary package of 7.0 for Windows NT, but the Docs for
> Windows seem to be only how to compile and install one library dll.
> Since i have a binary package, I hope I don't need to compile, but in
> any case, I still don't know how to install.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
tonio@novadeck.com - http://nioto.com/