> Anyone care to share suggestions on getting data from a running syslog
> into
> postgresql database?
One way would be adding something like this to syslog.conf:
<facility>.<priority> |/path/to/insert/routine
However that might impose unwanted burden. Also, IIRC syslog keeps
`routine' loaded so making sure it doesn't waste precious cycles while idle
is up to you. This pipe would be always ready for reading, so select()
might fail to work as desired.
Another approach is to enhance log rotation program to add the records to
the database. Depends on log rotation program :)
YMMV, as always and good DB design for syslog is yet to be developed IMHO.
On one hand it has to be normalised enough to eliminate repetitions, on the
other hand, it needs to be simple and flexible to be able to adopt to
various not-so-standard programs that use syslog.
At least, facility, priority, timestamp, hostname and process (name and
PID) are quite common.