> > try to make the commit every 500 or 1000 inserts. It seems to me, that
> > PG slow down if there are lots of MBs waiting for commit ...
> MB == Memory Buffers?
> If so then it shouldn't be the case for 7.0.X with Tom' work in bufmgr area.
Megabytes :-)
tested in 7.1
The inserts slow down if there are too much not-committed inserts
pending. But, I'm only sure about the time for the insert statement
itself, and not the complete time -- perhaps a final commit is faster
then the sum of a lot of commits in between.
At my test, I used two insert per object, and each object needed about
35 milliseconds (on P2/350 MHz) at each table size. If i inserted ~15000
obejcts in one transaction, the insertion time for each request slows
down to ~200 milliseconds at the end.
So, I guess this has to be tested in detail again ;)
Alvar C.H. Freude | alvar.freude@merz-akademie.de
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