I have a number of views that seemed to work fine in 7.0.3. When I try to do an update to these views under 7.1, I get the following error:
ERROR: Cannot update a view without an appropriate rule.
For example, there's a view that looks like this:
create view pay_req_v_prl as select empl_id,wdate,seq,hours,hot,proj,entby,paytyp,status,poinum,added,rate,otrate,appby,gross,rgross,cost,ttype,expnum,oid as _oid from pay_req
create rule pay_req_v_prl_update as on update to pay_req_v_prl
where old.status = 'appr' do instead
update pay_req set status = new.status, gross = new.gross, cost = new.cost,
ttype = new.ttype, expnum = new.expnum, rgross = new.rgross, hot = new.hot
where empl_id = old.empl_id and wdate = old.wdate and seq = old.seq;
The sql looks like this:
update pay_req_v_prl set gross = 90.09 where empl_id = 1010 and wdate = '2001-01-08' and seq = 1;
The record it should update does seem to have status = 'appr' and it updates fine on my 7.0.3 box.
Any ideas?