Not sure about your pg_hba/ODBC setup, but ERwin takes pg_dump output in
as Ingres 1.x script and does pretty well (of course, it doesn't
recognize PL/pgSQL, etc), maybe with a few minor tweaks. I didn't have
any RI in my dump, so I wrote a perl script to add it so that I'd get the
relationships (I had hundreds of tables and a very standardized naming
convention), but I think it can infer from indices or names in some
Ed Loehr
Niral Trivedi wrote:
> All,
> Yesterday, I have seen some postings regarding connecting to Remote
> PostgreSQL DB using ERWin. And I am having similar question here.
> We have PostgreSQL DB on UNIX box. And it is running fine without any
> problem. Now, I have ERWin and PostgreSQL ODBC driver from Insight Dist
> installed on my local WinNT machine.
> Now, I have created a sample reverse engineered an access DB using ERWin.
> But When I am trying to forward engineer that to my Remote PostgreSQL db I
> am getting ODBC error saying:
> 'Could not connect to the Server'
> 'Could not connect to remote socket'
> Now, I have already added 'host' line in 'pg_hba.conf' file to give access
> to the db from my machine as follows:
> host niral MY_IP_ADDR MASKING_ADDR password
> test_niral_users.dat
> I have also checked out the '' site but couldn't find any
> solutions.
> So, if anybody has any idea, please help me..
> Thanks in advance...
> Niral