In the long term I'm willing to construct a Little Java application that
runs a library. I was looking to create a few table & connect them
according to a non existing model . To create the Author table here's
what I thought doing for a table that should only contain The Name & the
Surname of the Author (once per Author).
tsmets=> create sequence author_seq;
tsmets=> create table author (
tsmets=> author_id numeric primary key default
tsmets=> name char(25) not null,
tsmets=> surname char(25) not null
tsmets=> );
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
'author_pkey' for table 'author'
tsmets=> \d author Table "author"Attribute | Type | Modifier
-----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------author_id | numeric(30,6) | not null default
nextval('author_seq'::text)name | char(25) | not nullsurname | char(25) | not null
Index: author_pkey
Now the question is :
What is the meaning of the following statement in the table description
Attribute | Type | Modifier
-----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------author_id | numeric(30,6) | not null default
Why was my author_id changesdin a "nextval('author_seq'::text)".
There's no text here ?
That for highlighting the meaning of this ?
Sun Dec 17 19:42:31 CET 2000
Thomas SMETS e-mail : tsmets@altern.org
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3 Tel. : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
1030 Bruxelles
======= Quote of the Day =========
If at first you don't succeed, you must be a programmer.
========= End of Quote ===========