Bryan Field-Elliot wrote:
Searching the archives, it seems you once tried to find out how to "drop constraint trigger" on PostgreSQL; did you ever figure it out? Thank you,Bryan
I wrote the following function and installed it in my database. I can then call it with a select (yuk) to drop a constraint trigger:
-- Drop all constraint triggers with a given constraint name
-- calling sequence: drop_contrig(constrname)
create function drop_contrig(text) returns text as '
set d(tgname) {}
spi_exec -array d "select c.relname,t.tgname from pg_class c, pg_trigger t where c.oid = t.tgrelid and tgconstrname = \'$1\'" {
spi_exec "drop trigger \\"$d(tgname)\\" on $d(relname)"
if {$d(tgname) == {}} {return "No constraint trigger $1 found"}
return "Drop trigger $d(tgname) on $d(relname)"
' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';