> The problem is: Lotus v5 (I think) is a 16-bit application. The user
> uses now a Access database.
Using MS-Access 2.0 (16Bit) I cann open the 32BIT datasource without
any Problems on my NT 4 Machine.
> I want to migrate all applications to PostgreSQL.
> But I'am stuck with the Lotus-macro's. This can't be
> converted in a short time.
> I've tried to let Lotus talk to a 32-bit driver but
> that won't work, only a 16-bit driver does.
An rather strange solution would be to include the ODBC-Links into an
> DN="DB-NAME" DL="DLODBC" DC="driver=odbcjt16.dll" AC=UI,PW;
The ODBC.INI does contain an driver32 entry pointing to the
Is it possible to connect your Lotus driectly to an ODBC-Datasource?
The Setup-Lines looks like tirectly connecting to the dirver
(bypassing the driver-manager).