The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> Someone want to give me an example of something that would be
> life-threatening that would run on a database? I can think of loads of
> mission critical stuff, but life threatening?
How soon we forget the Y2K horror story warnings....
Pharmacy dispensary systems <-No meds, folks die.
Medical needs supply chain systems <- No Meds or Gauze or Tools, folks die.
Surgery scheduling systems <- No doctors or rooms for surgery, folks die
Military bombing flight-path systems <-Bad data for bomb location...
Weapons Design specifications storage <- Poorly designed systems killing
the testers and military users
Powergrid billing info <-No power, on assisted living (life support)
Banking/Financial account data <-No money, slow death of hunger
Food Shipping systems <- No food
Water distribution/management systems <- No water (I live in a desert)
Just off of the top of my head, yes, it's possible to kill people
with bad data.
Brought to you from iBop the iMac, a MacOS, Win95, Win98, LinuxPPC machine,
which is currently in MacOS land. Your bopping may vary.