On 9/19/19 4:55 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> writes:
>> So this is the part I need some clarification on. If you start vacuuming
>> the tables that are setting the min then that should buy you some time?
> Yes, if there are some small tables that have relfrozenxid even further
> back than the big ones, vacuuming them first would be a win.
With this?
CDSCH02=# select cl.oid,
COALESCE(ta.schemaname, 'pg_toast'),
from pg_class cl FULL JOIN pg_tables ta
ON ta.tablename = cl.relname
where not cl.relfrozenxid = xid '0'
order by age(cl.relfrozenxid) desc
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.