I'm wanting to use PostGreSQL and have been directed here by the site's
webmaster with my initial questions. Please feel free to redirect me if
that's appropriate.
I first wonder if there is a pgsql newgroup or some other type of
archive with FAQ, etc.
Secondly, I seek an E/R modeling tool that can forward-generate
appropriate DDL for PostGreSQL.
The pgsql Projects page alludes to providing "full support for FOREIGN
KEY" to the product. What caveats should I be aware of concerning just
how incomplete this support is currently, and when these issues might be
Finally, I wonder about JDBC drivers for PostGreSQL, in particular
supporting JDBC 2. If none for JDBC 2 (I know at least OpenLink supports
JDBC 1.x)...do we know of vendors planning support for this, and when?
Thanks VERY much for any help in these things.
Gary Horton
"I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack the time
to make it short." -- Blaise Pascal
Gary Horton Software Engineer
Program for the Advancement of Geoscience Education
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO 80307
Voice 303-497-8315 Fax 303-497-8336 Email <horton@page.ucar.edu>