> There isn't (AFAICT) any existing documentation about how to make
> a new kind of index, which would be the proper place for it.
> May I impose on you to find/make a place for this and mark it up
> properly?
> Also, doc/src/graphics/catalogs.ag needs to be updated, but I have
> no idea how. (The amopselect and amopnpages fields of pg_amop
> are gone; pg_am has a new field amcostestimate.)
The primary graphics files should be .cgm files, but I see that we
only have those for one or two cases. The .ag files are Applix
Graphics files, which I use to embed the stuff into hardcopy.
I'll see about updating them, and committing a .cgm version of each.
- Thomas
Thomas Lockhart lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California