Zeugswetter Andreas SB wrote:
> > SELECT arrtest.a[1:3],
> > arrtest.b[1:1][1:2][1:2],
> > arrtest.c[1:2],
> > arrtest.d[1:1][1:2]
> > FROM arrtest;
> Sorry for the stupid question, but can sombody enlighten me.
> Why was the ":" used in the first place ? I would expect to use a ','
> for an array slice. No ?
> As in: select arrtest.a[1,1][1,2]
> (This is also what others use for array slices)
In Fortran 90 (one of the few languages that has true arrays with a size
as well as a shape) arrays are indexed as
A(1:8:2, -2:10)
which would mean the 2D array defined by rows (1,3,5,7) and columns
(-2,...,10). So ',' is commonly used to separate dimensions, and it
would be confusing to suddenly use commas to define a range. And as
Fortran is pretty much the grand-daddy of all programming languages we
can't really go and change that ;-) Putting indexes in separate ['s is
just a modern C'ism, because C has no real multi-dimensional arrays,
only pointer dereferencing.
Adriaan (a Fortran programmer)