> > I'd like to create a table with a datetime field that defaults to +60
> > days.
> > mydate datetime default 'now() +@60 days',
> > ...
> Where is a problem?
You have enclosed your default values into a large string, rather than
letting them be evaluated as an expression:
mydate datetime default (now() + '60 days')
where the outer parens are optional.
> datetime + '10 day' or
> datetime + '2 year' ..etc.
> But I'm not sure what is better or exists it in other SQL.
afaik this is the simplest and most direct way to do it. Note that you
can include other timespan fields in the constant:
mydate datetime default (now() + '60 days 10 hours')
- Thomas
Thomas Lockhart lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California