I tried this out to see if it would speed up *my* query too.
The query went much faster, but gave different results!
[nputnam@spinon ~]$ setenv PGOPTIONS "-fh"
[nputnam@spinon ~]$ psql -e expression < query.sql
gives 15 rows of output in 1s.
[nputnam@spinon ~]$ unsetenv PGOPTIONS
[nputnam@spinon ~]$ psql -e expression < query.sql
gives 289 rows of output in 51s
The slow one is giving the right answer.
Why might they be different?
Anyone know where there's documentation for -fh?
I'm using postgres 6.5.2 on linux 2.2.12
> George Young writes:
> > Yes! PGOPTIONS="-fh" made the query time go from 16 seconds to 2 seconds!
> > Is this a safe thing to leave on permanently, or is there some way to set
> > PGOPTIONS for just this query?
> I wouldn't recommend leaving it on as a long-term solution, because
> you're hobbling the system for cases where hashjoin *is* the best
> method. AFAIK there is not a SET VARIABLE method for enabling/disabling
> plan types on-the-fly, though perhaps one should be added.
> The right long-term solution is to figure out why the system is
> misestimating the relative costs of the two plans, and fix the cost
> estimates. (The system is estimating that the mergejoin is about 4x
> slower than hash; if it's really 8x faster, there is something pretty
> broken about the estimate...)
> I am interested in looking into this. If your data is not proprietary,
> perhaps you would be willing to send me a database dump so that I can
> reproduce the problem exactly? (If the dump is no more than a few
> megabytes, emailing it should be OK.) No big hurry, since I probably
> won't be able to get to it for a week or so anyway.
> regards, tom lane