Tom Lane wrote:
> A quick glimpse says that the only occurrences of that error text are
> in parse_type.c, which is not code that I'd think would get called from
> vacuum. Odd.
> If you do "select * from pg_type where oid = 718;" you should get
> typname|typowner|typlen|typprtlen|typbyval|typtype|typisdefined|typdelim|typrelid|typelem|typinput |typoutput
|typreceive|typsend |typalign|typdefault
> circle | 256| 24| 47|f |b |t |, | 0|
0|circle_in|circle_out|circle_in|circle_out|d |
> (1 row)
> If you don't then indeed pg_type is corrupted.
> regards, tom lane
Okay, I found out why I am getting this error. My partner is building a table which he is calling 'circle'. Of course,
circleis a pg_type in the
PostgreSQL. So he DROP TYPE'd circle from the database (we don't need that type anyway). For some reason, the database
seemsto not mind this until I do
the vacuum analyze.
Any suggestions on a workaround? We'd really prefer to use 'circle' as a tablename and don't need it as a pg_type.