With the help of Hiroshi Inoue there are available at:
dll's compiled for PgAccess usage under win32 and 6.5.1 backend , Tcl/Tk
8.0.x and 8.1.x
Please download them and check them.
They will be included in the next (0.97) version of PgAccess.
PgAccess 0.97 improvements:
- the ability to save/restore visual query builder canvas (thanks to
Ross Reedstrom)
- a Schema editor (Ross Reedstrom)
- easy move into table editor using <Tab>,<Enter> and direction keys
(Kris Klindworth)
- internationalization message support (for the moment english,romanian
and french languages)
(help for german translation needed)
PgAccess has been modified in order to support easy
internationalization. A translation in a new language should be ready in
a couple of hours. It is expected that this week a preliminary release
of 0.97 will be available.
Best regards,
Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA