I always execute 'regression test' and 'regression bigtest'
when PostgreSQL was enhanced. However,'regression bigtest' needs
the very long processing time in PostgreSQL-6.5. In my computer,
it is taken of about 1 hour.
The reason why the processing time is long is because 1000
digits are calculated using the 'LOG' and 'POWER' function.
Actual statement in "postgresql-6.5/src/test/regress/sql/
numeric_big.sql" is the following.
INSERT INTO num_result SELECT id, 0, POWER('10'::numeric, LN(ABS(round(val,1000)))) FROM num_data WHERE val !=
But, the processing ends for a few minutes when this
"LN(ABS(round(val,1000)))" is made to be "LN(ABS(round(val,30)))".
INSERT or SELECT must be tested using the value of 1000 digits,
because to handle NUMERIC and DECIMAL data type to 1000 digits is
However, I think that there is no necessity of calculating the
value of 1000 digits in the 'LOG' function.
SAKAIDA Masaaki <sakaida@psn.co.jp>
Personal Software, Inc. Osaka Japan