> > Sorry in advance for the re/misdirection, but would CVSup be a
> > suitable alternative for this task? It is working *great* for me to
> > replicate the CVS tree, but it also handles normal directory trees. It
> > includes lots of compression optimizations and so is very fast...
> Please don;t force us to use CVSup - you have to have Modula-3 to
> compile it, and some organisations (mine mostly included) has to start
> from source for all this stuff...
Another enthusiast... ;)
I'm not sure what platform you are on, but there is a *very* nice
Modula-3 rpm package from Polytechnic University in Montreal for
Anyway, for some mirrors CVSup might be a good alternative since Marc
is already running a server. Also, CVSup has a "mirror sync" mode
which makes it even faster; if the mirror is run as a slave server
then the server leaves all of the sync info in cache and does not need
to traverse the directory tree to deduce what should be updated.
- Thomas
Thomas Lockhart lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California