> Ok, now I have a standalone driver source tree. My problem is that it is
> based upon ./configure. Can someone give me a hand on changing the
> configure? I am pretty sure that I will need to make a few
> changes/enhancements to it such as;
> - switch to configure for unixODBC
> - unixODBC flag for ifdefs
> - some include and lib file changes
> - install changes???
You may as well tackle the source code first, and get a good build
before we go mucking with configure. You can see from the existing
code how to bracket things with #ifdef, so choose your flag and then
go to it. We can add something like "--enable-unixodbc" to
configure.in later.
Pass the symbols in from CFLAGS in the Makefile, or set up a
Makefile.custom which I'm pretty sure would get used in the standalone
# Makefile.custom
Good luck.
- Thomas
Thomas Lockhart lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California