> Cool. Take your experience and write some code. BTW, you might want
> to notice that document was never a description of how things *really*
> worked in PostgreSQL, only how it was *supposed* to work.
Yeah, sorry I didn't want to be critical. I'm grateful of all the great
work that's been done to make it a working stable product. I just wanted
to raise some awareness of what Postgres was originally meant to be.
I've been following the research being done at Berkeley in early times
always hoping that some of the OO features would mature more.
I will try and come to terms with the code to try and add some of these
features myself, I've just spent a few hours browsing the code, but
there is certainly a big learning curve there, especially as the doco is
minimal. But I'll see what I can do.
> We
> inherited some seriously broken, dysfunctional code and have done some
> beautiful work with it (again, not actually me here). It's a work in
> progress, and therefore should be looked at by the users as
> a) needing work, and
> b) an opportunity to excell, by showing off your talents as you submit
> new code.