"Jelte Fennema-Nio" <postgres@jeltef.nl> writes:
> I think it would be good to add some additional clarify here. It was
> fairly confusing to me. Especially the last sentence, due to the use of
> "active zone", even though it's really talking about the currently
> active abbreviations list. Probably my confusion mostly came from the
> fact that I wasn't aware that timezone abbreviations were localized, but
> I doubt I'm alone in not knowing this. Maybe something like this (feel
> free to improve further):
Hmm, I don't like your phrasing using "IANA time zone database",
because that makes it sound like we'll take any abbreviation that's
found anywhere in that whole data set. What the proposal actually
does is to recognize any abbreviation that is used, or has been
used in the past, in the IANA time zone selected by our current
timezone setting. (And, perhaps more to the point, to give it the
meaning it has or had in that zone.) Not sure about concise wording
for that.
regards, tom lane