Michael Davis wrote:
> The sql.log file is over 5M. There are no references to foreign keys
> anywhere in the log file. I noticed the following:
> Orders 138:118 ENTER SQLExecDirect
> HSTMT 0x09072230
> UCHAR * 0x040f10f0 [ -3] "SELECT
> Config, nValue FROM MSysConf\ 0"
> This failed because my Postgres database does not have this table. Any idea
> what MsysConf, what it contains, or how to create it? Could this have
> anything to do with my Access subform problem?
No. This is a normal Access warning. It is looking for a configuration file
for the Jet database engine. It is optional.
But it is interesting that there are no references to "SQLForeignKeys". What's
up with that? Are there any references to SQLPrimaryKeys?
I don't understand -- if it doesn't call SQLForeignKeys, how else would it find
out about this information?