Kevin -
Seems to be fixed w/ 6.4.2:
$ createdb createdb prysm_shreveport
$ createdb createdb prysm_shreveport2
$ psql prysm_shreveport
Welcome to the POSTGRESQL interactive sql monitor:
Please read the file COPYRIGHT for copyright terms of POSTGRESQL
type \? for help on slash commands
type \q to quit
type \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
You are currently connected to the database: prysm_shreveport
prysm_shreveport=> \d
Couldn't find any tables, sequences or indices!
prysm_shreveport=> create table test (f int, g text);
prysm_shreveport=> \c prysm_shreveport2
connecting to new database: prysm_shreveport2
prysm_shreveport2=> \d
Couldn't find any tables, sequences or indices!
prysm_shreveport2=> create table test2 (f int, g text);
prysm_shreveport2=> \d
Database = prysm_shreveport2
| Owner | Relation | Type |
| reedstrm | test2 | table |
prysm_shreveport2=> \c prysm_shreveport
connecting to new database: prysm_shreveport
prysm_shreveport=> \d
Database = prysm_shreveport
| Owner | Relation | Type |
| reedstrm | test | table |
prysm_shreveport=> \c prysm_shreveport3
connecting to new database: prysm_shreveport3
FATAL 1: Database prysm_shreveport3 does not exist in pg_database
Could not connect to new database. exiting
Ross J. Reedstrom, Ph.D., <>
NSBRI Research Scientist/Programmer
Computer and Information Technology Institute
Rice University, 6100 S. Main St., Houston, TX 77005