> Nevertheless I would like to implement this Oracle Gateway using the
> PostgeSQL stuff.
> Cause using the Oracle OCI there has to be some preprocessing done to
> parse the libpq SQL strings for binding input and output variables to.
> So a simple SELECT call is not mappable to a single OCI call.
> If there are also other guys outside interested in this approach, it
> would be perhaps worth to discuss also their requirements to get a
> proper functional spec to implement the SW gateway.
I don't have a particular interest in the Oracle gw, but am interested
in getting simultaneous multiple db access within Postgres. I had been
thinking of trying to implement this as a Postgres "master database"
with hooks deeper in the backend to call out to a remote database as a
separate session. Sort of like Ingres implemented their distributed
databases. Haven't done anything with it though...
- Tom