On 08.06.21 00:28, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> new "sequence" publication action
> ---------------------------------
> The publications now have a new "sequence" publication action, which is
> enabled by default. This determines whether the publication decodes
> sequences or what.
> -----------------
> It should be possible to create FOR ALL SEQUENCES publications, just
> like we have FOR ALL TABLES. But this produces shift/reduce conflicts
> in the grammar, and I didn't bother dealing with that. So for now it's
> required to do ALTER PUBLICATION ... [ADD | DROP] SEQUENCE ...
I have been thinking about these DDL-level issues a bit. The most
common use case will be to have a bunch of tables with implicit
sequences, and you just want to replicate them from here to there
without too much effort. So ideally an implicit sequence should be
replicated by default if the table is part of a publication (unless
sequences are turned off by the publication option).
We already have support for things like that in
GetPublicationRelations(), where a partitioned table is expanded to
include the actual partitions. I think that logic could be reused. So
in general I would have GetPublicationRelations() include sequences and
don't have GetPublicationSequenceRelations() at all. Then sequences
could also be sent by pg_publication_tables(), maybe add a relkind
column. And then you also don't need so much duplicate DDL code, if you
just consider everything as a relation. For example, there doesn't seem
to be an actual need to have fetch_sequence_list() and subsequent
processing on the subscriber side. It does the same thing as
fetch_table_list(), so it might as well just all be one thing.
We do, however, probably need some checking that we don't replicate
tables to sequences or vice versa.
We probably also don't need a separate FOR ALL SEQUENCES option. What
users really want is a "for everything" option. We could think about
renaming or alternative syntax, but in principle I think FOR ALL TABLES
should include sequences by default.
Tests under src/test/subscription/ are needed.
I'm not sure why test_decoding needs a skip-sequences option. The
source code says it's for backward compatibility, but I don't see why we
need that.