Sbragion Denis wrote:
> P.S. I tested the new ODBC driver with index support. VisData still isn't
> able to show the index list, anyway it sees them because it allow updates.
> Used with VB the ODBC is rather slow compared with other ODBC (About 10
> time slower than MS SQL and Velocis, about 30 times slower than MySql) but
> it works pretty well. Anyway it is about 3/4 times faster than the OpenLink
> driver, which is also pretty buggy ;) Really good job Byron !
I'm not sure why VisData still isn't able to show the index list. First of all,
I dont know what "VisData" is anyway! Perhaps you could use the odbc tracing
feature (through the 32 bit odbc administrator) and send the "sql.log" to me.
Make sure it is empty before you begin your session. This will really slow
things down by the way.
As for performance, the backend affects that equation greatly. You should see
what happens in Access when you are using unique indexes. Even with one keypart,
Access generates that infamous query we have been talking about (with all the
ANDs and ORs), which really slows things down.